I have noticed a trend on some alleged “spiritual” website that concerns me gravely. While I do find the occasional article that does delivers a certain degree of spiritual insight, I am becoming more and more aware that a great amount of advice is rather personal to the writer, without much of a spiritual basis, and on the contrary, which is antithetical to the whole essence of spirituality, and enlightenment of the soul. Today I would like to mention those editorials that often detail how being helpful, charitable, and compassionate to other people will inevitably cause the object of our kindness to exploit our benevolence. They often recount stories of ex-partners, friends, and colleagues who do just that, and caused great amount of anger, resentment, and even depression. Consequently, their advice to their reader is to not be “too nice”, to ensure sanity and self-preservation. Personally, at my level of spiritual development, I abhor this suggestion, and frankly, I believe...
First I was religious, then I became spiritual. Now I am post-spiritual. Faith is a journey. This is mine. Inspired or Deluded? Ahead of time or Just in time? Visionary or Bat-shit crazy?