Those who are the most loved, are usually the ones who are also the most settled, stable, and lead happy lives. Unfortunately, not everybody is lucky enough to be counted in this group of people. Many of us, go through suffering at some stage in their lives, and this has a detrimental effect on their minds, bodies, and souls. In this post we will look into one of the effects caused by bad experiences in people's existence, which is addiction. People get addicted because they are looking to fill the emptiness that they feel inside, or are trying to get away from a bad reality. Children who have been physically/mentally/sexually abused grow into insecure adults with low or no self esteem. They may have no actual memory of the abuse because they hide those terrible memories in a box in their head, which they lock very securely, just to make sure they will never remember those anguishing times, and that they will never have to deal with the pain again.. They just feel co
First I was religious, then I became spiritual. Now I am post-spiritual. Faith is a journey. This is mine. Inspired or Deluded? Ahead of time or Just in time? Visionary or Bat-shit crazy?