Make sure you set aside a time and it could be the same day every week in your relationship when you can sit down and talk. You must promise not to raise your voices or react and take it in turns to speak. The 1st one should talk about important things to them without hurting the other. This should be done without being interrupted until they are finished and then the other one can only ask to have points explained if they need to.
Then the 2nd one can speak without being interrupted and not hurting the other. Both should actually listen to exactly what is being said and not their interpretation of it. After both have spoken then you can have a discussion without raising your voices.
This is a wonderful way to discover how you actually feel and then resentment cannot build up and destroy your closeness when it is a romantic relationship or not.
It is much better to know how the other is feeling and what they need than just assuming you know.
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