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Home is where Spirit is

Light is hope

Today, I would like to share a speech that Sybil, a great psychic and medium, has given a few years ago at my school. Every time I read it it moves me, and it reassures me. I hope it will have the same effect on you

The theme tonight is “Home is where the heart is” and I am afraid I have to change that and make it “home is where the spirit is” which is where hearts are...

We frighten ourselves with talks of death and dying so much, and it is so sad that so many people are afraid of the change that will happen one day when it is time for them to go home, for that is all it is. I know that the dying process can be very painful for many but moving from this life to the next is so very peaceful.

With people, family, and friends waiting to take your hand and literally take you home. It is where you came from, it is where you will return to. No one enters the spirit world alone, no matter how, where, why, or how sudden their death has been.

It is known in spirit when every single one of us will return home. Does it not say in the Bible every hair of our heads are numbered? So it is known the exact time, place when we will leave our bodies and stretch our spiritual limbs in the world of spirit, the world you came from – home.

And I know many of you worry about family and friends on earth who do not know, or wish to know, about spirit. Will they be met, will they understand, will they know what has happened?

May I remind you that when your mums and dads sent you to a school camp, or a holiday, where they are not with you, no matter how long you were away, did you not recognise your home when you returned?

Of course you will, and so will all your friends whom you worry about. They will know they have come home. All their memories of being there before coming to earth will come flooding back. They will know that the people who have met them are not of earth, so they will know exactly what has happened. So don’t worry about them.

But when it is their time to go, send them off with joy and your love, for there is no pain in the spirit world. Any unfinished problems you would have liked to have dealt with can be discussed with evolved souls who will help you.

I don’t think I need to tell you what it is going to be like when you do go home. I think I have more in spirit than I have here, so many people to see, to hug, to kiss, to cry over, with sheer joy. There are people I haven’t seen for years and still miss them so much.

So there will be such a lot of catching up to do. For parents who lost babies and who think they won’t know them, what a wonderful shock for them, for their sons and daughters will be standing before them. And not only will they know them but they will remember bringing them up in spirit. Every time their bodies slept you will remember all the times you held them, and loved them, and you will know their names because you will have given them their names. There will be people to meet that you have been told about but never met.

I have never met any of my grandparents and it is going to be wonderful to meet up with them. And I feel quite shy at the thought of it, and I am thinking I do hope they are happy with the way I have lived my life. And I know I am being silly because they have had to experience earth life and know its trials and tribulations, as well as its high spots. And I know they will have been helping right through my life. And whether I have got it right or wrong, I know they just love me because they are my nanas and grandads and that’s what nanas and grandads do.

I will also want to meet with all my spirit guides and helpers who have worked with me all my life. And I know there will be a lot that I have only met when my body was asleep for so much interaction and communication takes place when we sleep. Thank goodness the spirit doesn’t need sleep.

Then there are all the things I just need to do, and I am sure you have your own list. I haven’t danced in years, or been swimming. I want to be like Maria from the sound of Music and run up a mountain and sing which will make all the spirits want to come back to earth. I want to find out whether all the things I have read about the spirit world are true, that colours have their own sounds, and the flowers sing as you pass them, that as an orchestra plays music there are coloured patterns made in the air. I want to practise my Beam me up Scotty, where I stand and think of where I want to be and, if I get it right, I will be there using the power of thought.

Then there are the Museums, the Halls of Learning, and so many exciting places to revisit. And I say revisit as I have returned home. It is my home, it is your home, and so many of us forget it, and then fight with each other as to whether it’s true or not.

If we would sit, move in the silence, and listen to our spirits, they would tell us all we want to know. We did not make this voyage to earth without the necessary knowledge. But we are so frantically chasing our tails and trying to live within the rat race, instead of stepping back for a while. All the answers we need are there.

You don’t need me to tell you, and that is why some of you resonate with me when I tell you something that you know is true. You may not know why it is true, and there is no way I can substantiate it for you. You just know it’s true.

So don’t let others move you away from your truth. Your truth is so special, just as you are. And your truth is Home is where the Heart is, Home is where Spirit is, Home is where our Eternal lives began and will continue.

And when we meet there what a wonderful rejoicing there will be. Everything you ever hoped, wished for, dreamed, or asked for will be there. Starting with those you love and finishing with those you love.

For Home is where you Love. God bless you all


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