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Source: NASA |
Personally, I am not excessively worried about the end of the world. If such thing as Judgement Day is to come, I believe I am reasonably prepared to be judged.
However, I am always excited to find a new subject for a blog post, so I did a little research. Nothing major, a simple Google search.
I always love to do generic internet searches as they yield the most amazing results, there is a lot of information out there, and it is fun to sift through what is available and attempt to assess the truth. The most reliable article, however, which has the most links to it, and which links to an online version of the Obamacare act, seem to indicate that the information is simply a lot of nonsense.
Personally, I would not be particularly worried if it were true, as it would simply mean that God does not want Americans in the Kingdom of Heaven. However, I am reasonably confident that He would not be so xenophobic as to single out a single country to be sent to hell. That does not seem very Godly. I am quite certain there are many Americans that, despite the faults of their country, will be worthy of God’s mercy.
However, this incident reminded me of another theory that I have recently started to follow with interest, which purports the relative end of the world as being imminent. This is related to the Pole Shift Hypothesis, and it is much more engaging than Obamacare.
Firstly, apologises for the Wikipedia reference, I am aware that it is not a particularly acceptable academic reference, but it is a good article, with a few relevant and reasonably academically reliable sources. For those more scientifically minded, this NASA article might be more appropriate. Additional links are provided in the References sections at the end of this article, including an interesting post by the BBC, which is supposedly a reliable source.
Secondly, I would like to emphasise that I am neither a sceptic, nor a believer. I have an innate curiosity that longs to be satisfied, and I hope this post will whet the reader’s interest too. This is because the information available on this subject is so vast, and at the same time so inconclusive, that makes the topic simply fascinating.
This interjection is simply because from here onward, references will be much more questionable, and obscure, and verge on boundaries of myths, legends, and conspiracy. Does this fact in itself not make the whole subject even more compelling?
1. The solar system is a twin star solar system. Note: there seem to be much debate about this subject, and so far this is a theory that has neither been proved nor disproved. However there is an interesting article here, another one here, and more links in the References section at the end of this post
2. There is a hidden planet, generally referred to as Planet X, that orbits around both stars and that every few thousand years come close enough to our planet to cause polar shifts. To note, this is a subject loved by many conspiracy theorists, for example see this article here, or if you want to see evidence on Google Sky, you may check this article. A few more are provided in the References section at the end of this post.
Source: livescience.com |
But I am digressing. What makes the video I shared above somewhat credible, is the producers’ extensive website, and immense amount of information provided by their related sources. These even include advice on how to survive a polar shift, a map of the world after the shift, tracking of Planet X, and much, much more.
Is this true? Will it all happen? As I mentioned above, I am neither a sceptic, not a believer. I cannot deny however that I am very intrigued. Anyone interested on the subject should have sufficient material in this article to progress his or her own research. Feel free to leave any comments.
Obamacare does not require RFIF chip
- snopes.com: Does Obamacare Require Microchip Implantation? http://www.snopes.com/politics/medical/microchip.asp
- Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010 http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/BILLS-111hr4872enr/pdf/BILLS-111hr4872enr.pdf
Pole Shift concept
- Pole Shift Hypothesis https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pole_shift_hypothesis
- Pole Reversal: NASA https://www.nasa.gov/topics/earth/features/2012-poleReversal.html
- Magnetic Flip: Scientific American http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/earth-s-magnetic-field-flip-could-happen-sooner-than-expected/
- Why Earth's Magnetic Field Flip-Flops http://www.livescience.com/2897-earth-magnetic-field-flip-flops.html
- BBC - Earth - Earth’s magnetic field now flips more often than ever http://www.bbc.com/earth/story/20141110-earths-magnetic-field-flips-more
Our alleged binary solar system:
- Sun has binary partner, may affect the Earth http://phys.org/news/2005-09-sun-binary-partner-affect-earth.html
- Nemesis (hypothetical star) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopaedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nemesis_(hypothetical_star)
- Binary Research Institute http://www.binaryresearchinstitute.org/bri/research/introduction/theory.shtml
- Nemesis Star Theory: The Sun's 'Death Star' Companion http://www.space.com/22538-nemesis-star.html
Planet X
- Planet X just revealed by Google Sky? Black swath gone, ‘winged disk’ visible – Intellihub https://www.intellihub.com/planet-x-just-revealed-by-google-sky-black-swath-gone-winged-disk-visible/
- Planet X? New Evidence of an Unseen Planet at Solar System's Edge http://www.livescience.com/20583-planet-edge-solar-system.html
- Planet X Nibiru Now Uncovered On Google Sky & Global Military Drills | Space http://beforeitsnews.com/space/2015/06/planet-x-nibiru-now-uncovered-on-google-sky-global-military-drills-2491070.html
- Nibiru on Google Sky? (ZetaTalk Confirmation for 2008 Leak) - Earth Changes and the Pole Shift http://poleshift.ning.com/profiles/blogs/nibiru-on-google-sky-zetatalk-confirmation
- Nibiru: The Nonexistent Planet | NASA Nibiru & Planet X http://www.space.com/15551-nibiru.html
The Annunaki
- Those Of Royal Blood | Annunaki Aliens History http://www.annunaki.org/
- Nibiru | The 12th Planet, The Nephilim & The Creation Of Humans http://www.annunaki.org/nibiru/
- Annunaki http://www.hiddencodes.com/annunaki.htm
- Pentagon Secret – The Anunnaki Are Returning : In5D Esoteric, Metaphysical, and Spiritual Database http://in5d.com/pentagon-secret-the-anunnaki-are-returning/
Pole shift claims
- Determine Your Safe Locations - 7 Steps - Earth Changes and the Pole Shift http://poleshift.ning.com/profiles/blogs/determine-your-safe-locations
- Please Place your Planet X Related Captures Here - Earth Changes and the Pole Shift http://poleshift.ning.com/profiles/blogs/please-place-your-planet-x
- Much, much more: Earth Changes and the Pole Shift http://poleshift.ning.com/
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