Those who have known me for some time or followed one of my
blogs will be aware of my stance on Faith and Religion:
Faith is a journey!
I have come to believe that we are on a spiritual
journey. Most of us start with a
birth-given religion. We can then
navigate a range of different beliefs and philosophies. A common path is that we may move from a
“formal” religion to a more “spiritual” type of religion. We then can move on to a “spiritual” essence
that transcends religions.
This is often accompanied by a feeling that we are indeed
part of something greater, however nowhere this is defined in clear and exact
Religion is not enough.
Spirituality is not enough.
Science … well science has some interesting ideas, but it certainly is
not enough to explain the essence of existence.
This is how we become post-Spiritual. Accepting the
Spiritual ideology but trying to understand the science behind it. But it is principally in opening our minds
and souls to question everything, and not accept anything as “True”.
When talking of anything Spiritual “True” should mean “Possible”. Our beliefs undoubtedly shape our research,
our focus, and our development, but must never hinder them. That also means, being prepared to change
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